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Logo Redesign Fails | #tiktalkwithamanda

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE TikTok. Yes, we post on TikTok for some clients, but I’m talking about my time scrolling. Hours and hours of scrolling. TikTok has become such a part of my life that my fiance and I have dedicated time at night “Tok Time” to share videos with each other. Most of the time we end up rolling on the floor laughing - it’s great for relationship building, trust me on this one 😉 You can find everything while scrolling for hours - marketing tips, stories, home decor, recipes, pets, dance routines - the list goes on.

That’s where this series comes in. I save so many videos, why not share those with you? Welcome to #tiktalkwithamanda.

Episode 1: Logo Redesign Fails

Creating a logo is more complicated than you think. Aside from creating the brand, you need something that can stand the test of time. But what if it doesn’t? It happens. Many companies decide to rebrand to move with times and stay relevant - but when is it too much?

I came across a TikTok from @shwinnabego, 3 large corporation logo redesign fails - that focused on rebrand failures by Gap, Kraft, and Tropicana and one that worked - Canada Dry. The video explained that so many large corporations - that are known by their logo - tend to go too far when doing a rebrand. For example, Gap changed its logo so much in 2010 that after just one week it went back to the original logo from consumer backlash. The video then explained a practice to help determine whether a logo works or not, the UX Design aka the squint test. If you take off your glasses and squint, what do notice? Do you still recognize the brand or does it become completely unrecognizable?

I was fascinated by this video. Not just because I’m in the marketing industry, but because of how much a logo actually means. It IS that company, that brand. Especially for corporations that have been around for hundreds of years, what would be the benefit of changing the logo so much you don’t recognize it anymore?

Don’t worry, I won’t leave you hanging. Check out the logo examples talked about in this video.

Design Win:

Design Fails: