Leveling The Playing Field Mini-Series Part 3


To compete, you can’t hide from social media. Not only does Google crawl social media platforms (and doesn’t care how many followers you have!), users increasingly use social media in their business research: 

  • 94 percent of executives use LinkedIn as a source for content

  • 69 percent of adults use Facebook

  • 3.78 Billions Daily Social Media Users

  • On average people spend 2.5 hours a day spent on social media

  • 49% of consumers depend on Influencer recommendations on social media 

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By spending as little as six hours a week, 66 percent of marketers can see lead generation with social media. Optimize your presence:  

  • Complete the profile for each of your social media platforms 

  • Inject keywords and locations into your profile 

  • Link back to your website to drive traffic (and fix any broken links, ASAP!)

  • Know and monitor your social media platform admins—there’s nothing worse than getting locked out of your own account

  • Engage with your audience. You need to communicate and be social with every single comment or emoji left on your posts. It is called social media after all.

  • Part take in social listening. Sift through your timeline and the hashtags in your niche and communicate with others. See what else is happening in your social sphere. 

  • Content is king. Create a treasure chest of images, videos, quizzes, polls, potential giveaways. 

  • 80/20 rule.  80% of your content needs to be educational, informative, and/or entertaining. While 20% can be promotional. 

  • Quality > Quantity. 

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